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A Year of Changes!

By Katrina Green

2017 was a year full of changes for property management, and we are set to see even more in 2018. The Healthy Homes Bill is now in affect and consultation processes to set the guidelines are underway. We are still unsure of exactly what the requirements will be, but do know that there will be minimum criteria set for heating, ventilation, insulation and drainage, making all rental properties in New Zealand healthier homes for tenants.

While the new legislation can seem a little challenging for landlords, it is important to remember that with challenge comes opportunity and for landlords who are educated and prepared, the changes should not pose too many issues.

It is important not to be blasé about the changes though as I have just read an article where a landlord was given a hefty fine for not complying with the smoke alarm legislation. It is important to both know the legislation, and comply with it.

I live and breath this stuff so if you would like to find out more just give me a call.

Katrina Green
Operations Manager – Property Management
M 027 606 0030

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